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You accept this Privacy Policy when you sign up for, access, or use our products, services, content, features, technologies or functions offered on our website and all related sites, applications, and services (collectively “Avazu Services”). We may amend this policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it. In addition, if the revised version includes a substantial change, we will provide you with 30 days' prior notice by posting notice of the change on the "Policy Updates" page of our website.

Avazu mDSP感恩回馈,让你的新年增光溢彩

2016-01-08 19:36:41

2016年,这已是Avazu mDSP与全球客户携手走过的第三个年头,为感谢客户过去两年来的支持和陪伴,在新的一年里,Avazu mDSP面向全球客户开展花费返利活动,返点比率将根据客户在活动当月的累计花费金额,从1%-7%不等。


【活动内容】新年新福利!Avazu mDSP开展为期两个月的花费返利活动,多花多送哦!


【活动对象】Avazu mDSP平台上已有用户及新注册用户

【返点形式】以一个自然月为单位,对客户在活动期间的当月花费金额进行月底结算,确定返点比率,返点金额将于次月由Avazu mDSP平台充值到客户账户中,两个月花费不累计


备注:活动期间,根据客户当月的花费等级进行次月的返点,且每个账户仅能享受一次返利。活动最终解释权归Avazu mDSP 所有,如需了解详情,请发邮件至mdsp@avazu.net