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You accept this Privacy Policy when you sign up for, access, or use our products, services, content, features, technologies or functions offered on our website and all related sites, applications, and services (collectively “Avazu Services”). We may amend this policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it. In addition, if the revised version includes a substantial change, we will provide you with 30 days' prior notice by posting notice of the change on the "Policy Updates" page of our website.


2014-07-25 18:06:52


近日大会确认,TalkingData CEO崔晓波将出席2014 CGGC,并在大会上发布独家的《中国移动游戏市场TalkingData年中报告》。作为专注于移动互联网综合数据服务的TalkingData此次出席CGGC以数据说话深度挖掘分析中国移动游戏市场的现状相信在之前了解过TalkingData与IDCSuperData等数据公司联合发布的游戏市场数据报告的圈内人士一定不愿错过此次游戏领域风向标数据的发布

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来自韩国知名游戏厂商IncrossCEO李在元,将为我们带来《韩国手游市场及The App Games介绍》。Incross是韩国本土智能手游发行公司的代表李在元先生曾多次在业内各大峰会论坛上代表海外嘉宾发表演讲为中国同行们介绍韩国的游戏发行运营与渠道特征的他,这一次又为CGGC带了哪些独家干货呢

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在此Avazu Holding再次诚挚邀请您莅临此次盛会让我们共同见证手游产业全球化的美好未来


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Avazu Holding应广大业界同行要求,携手CHinaJoy,于2014年7月30日在上海丽思卡尔顿酒店举办2014中国游戏全球化大会(China Game Globalization Conference),以下简称CGGC。此次大会致力于为国内外游戏企业提供一个分享观点、发现并扩展商机、与同行交流探讨的专属平台。

