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This Privacy Policy describes your privacy rights regarding our collection, use, storage, sharing and protection of your personal information. It applies to the Avazu website and all related sites, applications, services and tools regardless of how you access or use them. More detailed information about our privacy practices and our contact information for any questions is available at the Avazu Privacy Center.

You accept this Privacy Policy when you sign up for, access, or use our products, services, content, features, technologies or functions offered on our website and all related sites, applications, and services (collectively “Avazu Services”). We may amend this policy at any time by posting a revised version on our website. The revised version will be effective at the time we post it. In addition, if the revised version includes a substantial change, we will provide you with 30 days' prior notice by posting notice of the change on the "Policy Updates" page of our website.


2014-06-05 12:08:12

2014年6月11日—13日,世界移动通信之都,中国上海新国际博览中心,一年一度的顶级移动行业盛会–亚洲移动通信博览会(2014 Mobile Asia Expo)如期而至。Avazu应邀出席本次盛会,为移动互联网行业带来最新的产品与技术,与来自全球的合作伙伴共同分享最新行业资讯。


鉴于近期众多合作伙伴的热情邀约,Avazu将在6月10日晚7点至10点,在The Spot Restaurant & Bar为大家奉上精心准备的“Avazu带你扬帆起航,驻赢全球”鸡尾酒会,为此次MAE大会预热。在此诚挚地邀请各行业领袖、合作伙伴、热衷于移动互联网技术的朋友参加此次酒会,让我们共同探索移动行业新兴产业的发展趋势。



